Kotar FEST!

Kotar FEST!

Meet Kotar FEST!
Starting from the year 2012, our festival brings theatre, movies, music and all other artistic content to the region that is really hungry for cultural events.
Gorski kotar region has an extremely important geographic position in Croatia with a great natural predispositions for developing tourism. With the mix of good traffic connections, beautiful nature and tourist potential there is no better place than this to be a great home for art and cultural events.

Although Gorski kotar is better known for its winter season, summer here is a great time of the year for visitors to enjoy four days of interesting and interactive theatre shows, film screenings, artistic workshops and performances. And of course, unavoidable festival parties and concerts.

Our focus is on the education of young audience – with special attention on working with children and young people through workshops and by bringing the theatre program appropriate for their age.

Kotar theatre is the first independent arts organization that has enabled ongoing performance of cultural events as well as systematic work in the field of cultural education for children and adults from Gorski kotar region.


Organization representatives:

Matija Kezele

Matija Kezele

Actor and theatre producer, freelance artist of Republic of Croatia from 2013. He played in several performances in Zagreb, Varaždin and Čakovec, from 2012. He joined Red noses Croatia as a clown in Croatian hospitals. Also work as artistic director of theatre Kotar theatre and  festival – Kotar FEST! in region Gorski kotar.

www.kotarteatar.com  www.kotarfest.com

Maja Puhovski

Maja Puhovski
Diplomirala na Ekonomskom fakultetu 2008 godine, smjer Turizam. Dodatno se usavršavala kroz niz prodajnih i komunikacijskih seminara i radionica, škole stranih jezika (njemački i talijanski) te edukacijske treninge o osnovama odnosa s javnošću. 
2011 godine uz još dvoje prijatelja krenula je u avanturu pod nazivom udruga Medijska tvornica (http://www.medijska-tvornica.com/ ) s željom da stvaraju kreativne i društveno korisne projekte. Kroz rad udruge otvorile su se mogućnosti mnogih novih partnerskih projekata od kojih je jedan od važnijih ClosE Up (http://www.closeup-filmfestival.eu/ ), u partnerstvu s Institutom za razvoj i međunarodne odnose. Osim na navedenom projektu, kao PR & event manager, od 2012 godine radi na festivalu Kotar FEST! u Gorskom kotaru (http://kotarfest.com/) u ulozi producenta, radila je u timu TEDxMaksimira na organizaciji TEDx događanja te u odnosima s javnošću za festival Screen on the Green, a karijeru u odnosima s javnošću započela je u agenciji Parlov (http://www.parlov.hr/). Punih 11 godina je radila u Iskon Internetu, na raznim pozicijama u prodaji i vođenju projekata, a zatim se igrom sudbine i nakon dugog planiranja i odlučivanja vratila na početak – pokrenula je novu udrugu, Prostor imaginacije gdje radi projekte i programe za djecu i mlade te se zaposlila u konzultantskoj tvrtci IT Praxis kao voditelj EU projekata. 
Od 2017. godine radi u VRUMu na mjestu voditelja prodaje i EU projekata.